Comprehensive Support for School Communities

Principal Performance Observation: Leverage the expertise of former NYC superintendents, principals, and administrators to prepare principals for the MPPR Process, gather evidence and artifacts to support their work, and understand what will be assessed.

School Improvement Specialist: We have proven track record in supporting schools with planning to help them meet the criteria to be removed from the CSI/TSI list.

Teacher Teams: Create communities of learners who identify a “problem of practice” or focus area for teacher teams that include ILT, PLCs, grade level, subject area teams, as well as vertical teams (K-8 or 6-12)

Post-Secondary Preparation: We partner with schools to develop tailored plans ensuring students from grades 9-12 are college and career-ready through comprehensive support including advisory and graduation requirements.

Professional Learning and Development

Leadership Development (Principal, Assistant Principal & Instructional Cabinet)

Distributive Leadership

Instructional Leadership

Developing Teacher Teams

New Teacher Institution

Data Driven Instruction and Decision Making

Curriculum Development (all content areas)

Stronger Structures for Early Literacy

Creating Common Formative Assessments (caps)

High Impact Teaching Strategies

Instructional Coherence

Career and Technical Education Support

Social Emotional Learning PD

English as a New Language PD

Special Education/ICT PD

RTI Support/MTSS

Post Secondary Support

Attendance Team Support


Writing CEP Goals, instructional focus, and professional development plans